FOAB Information

Saturday 20 May 2023

Today Is...The Final Buffy Ever

The first working television system was exhibited in January 1926 but it wasn't until March 1997 that it discovered it's true purpose when Buffy the Vampire Slayer was first shown on it.
Hard to believe that it's 26 years since the first episode of Buffy was aired, a show that tops my list of all time favourite programme's and whose DVD box set takes pride of place in my TV Cabinet, all seven seasons and 144 episodes of it.
Everything about the show was perfect, the cast, the story lines, the humour and the characters but after seven series it was bought to an end and as sad as it was, it went out at about the right time.
The last scene was the scooby gang stood watching the entire town of Sunnydale collapsing into the Hellmouth cavern, leaving a large crater and Dawn saying 'What are we going to do now?'
Well some did better than others afterwards, have never seen Xander or Cordelia in anything else but when i heard that there were plans afoot for a new Buffy film i was unsure exactly how to feel about the news.
Initially i was as happy as a pig in the brown stuff at the thought of the Scooby Gang once again picking up their stakes and freeing Sunnydale from hordes of vampires, demons and other things from various hell dimensions.
Then the thought, what if the new film is no good? It could destroy the whole Buffy experience if what lands at our cinema is anything like the awful original Buffy film.
Buffy the Vampire slayer spawned the likes of Twilight and True Blood but nothing vampire related that followed has caught the eye quite like Buffy. The characters were excellent although Buffy's whiny sister Dawn wouldn't have been missed if she had been squished by Olaf's hammer in the first episode she appeared in.
A part of me wants Buffy to stay in the past, immortalised as one of the greatest TV shows ever to appear and not risk being sullied by a new adventure but then part of me wants to see the slayer again with her perfect hair and stylish clothes dusting vampires and hearing Spike taunt her about Angel.
It's a tough choice but as much as it surprises me to say it, i think they should just leave Buffy and the beautiful corpse where it is because it will be different, or they will be older and it will be like bumping into the guy you had a crush on at school years later and realising that actually, he is not as handsome or cute as you remember.
I did later find out that the TV show probably wouldn't have existed if it hadn't have been for Dolly Parton whom as an executive at the production house convinced the company to acquire the television rights and hire Joss Whedon to write a pilot based on the Buffy film, and the rest is blood drenched, vampire gore history.
Us Buffy fans have the person who wrote the world's greatest song about tumbling outta bed and stumbling to the kitchen to pour ourselves a cup of ambition working from 9 to 5 to thank for giving us the best TV program ever.

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