FOAB Information

Wednesday 26 July 2023

Barbie's A Lefty?

I didn't know Barbie was a left wing icon but you got to hand it to those wacky American right wingers who can turn anything into an ideological battle so well done to all the religious gun nuts over there who are at the forefront of a backlash against a girls toy.
Rather than say: 'Jesus Christ you morons, get a life, it's a film about a doll', the Films Director has gone down the far more tactful route of ignoring the smell of burning Barbie dolls and saying the film is: 'an invitation for everybody to be part of the party'.
Apparently, what the right wing has got their knickers in a twist over is what one called: 'neglecting to address any notion of faith or family, and tries to normalise the idea that men and women can’t collaborate positively' so basically Barbe doesn't pray enough or play along with the family stereo-type that the Trump voting supporters think of as family which by the example set by their man would mean she would have sex with a porn star, pay him off and have affairs with, or at the very least sexually assault, plenty of other men who were not her husband. THOSE family values i guess.  
Up next, how the American Right wing want Bambi banned as it is an obvious Communist/Black Live Matter Plot to subvert American Youth and overthrow Capitalism and instill Marxist policies.

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