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Thursday 27 July 2023

Today Is...King Macbeth Killed

When most people think of Macbeth, they probably conjure up images of the play by William Shakespeare and don't realise that Macbeth was actually a real person, a King although it was only Scotland he ruled over and his real name was Mac Bethad mac Findlai´ch.
William Shakespeare did take some artistic licence with the life of Macbeth so him and his wife never killed his cousin Duncan I in his sleep, Macbeth sliced and diced him on the battlefield and after beating him, crowned himself King of Scotland in 1040.
King James I was patron of Shakespeare's acting company and as he was King of Scotland and England, Shakespeare wrote the play to please his patron by showing Macbeth punished for his treason of killing King Duncan by making him increasingly paranoid, haunted by the ghosts of those he’s wronged and ending up with his head in a basket but by all accounts Macbeth was apparently a decent king who united Scottish tribes against the invading Vikings but that never worked for Shakespeare’s sucking up to the King plan so did a bit of a hatchet job on him.
The theatrical appearance of Macbeth is supposedly a bad omen with any misfortune surrounding a production of it due to Shakespeare is said to have used the spells of real witches in his text, purportedly angering the witches and causing them to curse the play, hence the misfortune to anyone who utters the name.

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