FOAB Information

Wednesday 9 August 2023

Go England But If Not Japan

Not sure how but England Women are still in the World Cup when better teams have packed their bags, picked up the ball from seventeen gardens away after some awful penalties and are sat at home watching it on TV but there we are staring anxiously at Colombia in the Quarter Finals.
Due to the time difference i haven't managed to see many of the games but those who have seem to be gushing about Japan who are facing Sweden and the Netherlands who up up against Spain seem to have hit a bit of form but as that game is being shown in the UK at 2am Friday morning, they will have to do it without my eyes on them as they will be firmly closed a that time.
Hosts Australia will be going up against France and then the quarter finals round off at 11.30am on Saturday morning with England against the South American's which will only be going one way unless England improve because they haven't been anywhere near where you would expect for the European Champions.
I generally cheer for the European teams after England but i do fear that we will be struggling to get past Colombia so if we find ourselves packing away our England tops Saturday afternoon then i will switch my allegiance to Japan who seem to play with a smile on their face and who doesn't love the Japanese so it could be 日本に行く Nihon ni iku from Sunday onwards.

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