FOAB Information

Wednesday 9 August 2023

Today Is...National Book Lovers Day

Technology has bought about many changes in my lifetime, once where i had a cassette Walkman which would play an album of the standard eight songs one side and the same on the other, i now have an MP3 player, a quarter of the size which can hold thousands of songs and no having to stop and turn the tape over or wind it tight with a pencil because the tape has stretched.
The MP3 player is used daily but the other technology change which has become part of my day to day life has been my Kindle Book reader which the bumf explains, can hold 6,000 books.
I have always been a constant reader and whereas taking a book everywhere with me was a thing since my teenage years, for the past decade i have carried hundreds of books on a 7" thing which is as slim as the thinnest paperback and fits neatly into my bag.
As handy as the Kindle is, i have always preferred to have the physical version which i can hold in my hand and place on the bookshelf after i have finished it but my friend has a weird way of reading books whereas she reads the first chapter, then the last chapter and if it seems exciting, she will go back and read it from the start. If not she puts it down and starts again with the next novel.
In some ways her method makes sense as i have spent far too long plowing through books thinking it must get better soon only to get most of the way through to realise it won't.  
Of course there is no right or wrong way to read a book but some people don't even do that, they watch the film of the book instead and then say they have read it.
Always a dangerous exercise especially as most films stray from the book they are based on, i did that with Blade Runner based on 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' and it was years until i bothered to pick up the novel only to find it was almost nothing like the film and i had denied myself a great read for over a decade.

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