FOAB Information

Saturday 19 August 2023

Today Is...World Humanitarian Day

An Humanitarian is a person who is involved in or connected with improving people's lives and reducing suffering based on the view that all human beings deserve respect and dignity and should be treated as such.
You would think that being a humanitarian would then be a default for us all but unfortunately us humans are just as capable of creating things of immense beauty as well as being capable of depraved cruelty to each other and create inventions which can immeasurably improve all our lives as well as invent horrific weapons to wipe out millions of souls in the blink of an eye.
We really shouldn't need a day to remind us that as humans, we all should have basic human rights and treat each other equally where everyone has the same rights and opportunity to thrive regardless of sex, colour, race or sexual orientation and recognise the pain, struggles and aspirations of those around us.
We should all be willing to help others who are in need, whether that be in our own community or across the globe and care more about our planet and the environment especially with climate change becoming an ever-increasing threat to large swathes of the Global population.
Humanitarianism advocates for social justice on all levels and by raising our voices against inequality, discrimination, oppression and injustices, standing up for those who lack the means to be heard.
By thinking beyond our immediate needs and considering the needs of others, promoting human rights, helping those in need, showing empathy and compassion and protecting our planet, we can make a positive impact and create a brighter future for ourselves, others and the generations to come.
If you are too selfish or self centered to be a Humanitarian then this is not your day but i am really not sure when World Complete Tosspot Day is.

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