FOAB Information

Sunday 20 August 2023

Today Is...World Mosquito Day

Why on earth we have a Day to celebrate something which has the title 'the World's deadliest animal' which causes over 700,000 deaths worldwide every year is beyond me and i can't think of any other living thing that i would happily wipe out and would happily send the metaphorical rolled up newspaper into action without a moments thought to these critters.
Scientists have discovered a 100-million-year-old mosquito perfectly preserved in amber so they have been annoyingly around for a long time and i was determined to find some good they have done over the many millennia but all i could find was that they are a great food source for many animals such as birds, bats and fish which seems a rubbish trade off for so many deaths when there are plenty of other less malaria spreading things they can snack on.
Rather than celebrate the nasty little things today is actually about commemorating British doctor Sir Ronald Ross's 1897 discovery that female anopheline mosquitoes transmit malaria between humans.
The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine holds Mosquito Day celebrations every year, including events such as parties and exhibitions, a tradition dating back to as early as the 1930s and state that while mosquitoes may not be the most beloved creatures in the animal kingdom, they play an important role in the ecosystem and maybe next time you swat at a mosquito, take a moment to appreciate all that these tiny insects have to offer.
Nope, i am just going to smash it against the wall with one of my husbands size 9's. Not like i'm going to use one of my own because squished mosquito on the sole of a Slingback is not a good look.

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