FOAB Information

Saturday 30 September 2023

The Right Wing Venn Diagram

To anyone else, if you find an extreme political group actively agreeing with your idea's then you may want to take a step back and reconsider if you want to be associated with such awful people but no such qualms for Suella Braverman whose inane chuntering around the failure of multiculturalism and how being discriminated against for being gay or female is enough to gain you asylum in Britain have been thoroughly endorsed by the extreme right wing groups currently polluting the UK and using up air which could otherwise be used by less abhorrent people.
LBC's Iain Dale, a man who put himself right of center, had an interesting thought last night on his show that it is no coincidence that the last three Home Secretaries, Sajid Javid, Priti Patel and Suella Braverman (we can't count Grant Schapps as he was only there for 5 days) have been children of immigrants themselves and all have said awful things which would seem them charged with racism if a white person said them, but because they are castigating the very people they themselves once were, they can get away with it.
Priti Patel was arrogant enough to proudly admit that her parents, and therefore her, would not have made it into the country under the rules she herself introduced as Home Secretary and as Dale noted in a nod towards the saying about women, if you are not a white Brit then you have to be seen to be even more
anti-immigrant to be considered half as anti-immigrant and he could have a point.
In recent times, the Conservatives have moved so far to the right that they were sharing the same space in the Brexit debate's as Nigel Farage's UKIP who David Cameron himself described as fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists and now are espousing an immigration and multiculturalism policy which is endorsed by groups like the BNP and other extreme, violent right wings groups who will obviously take the tacit approval of the Government to cause violence and protests against immigrants and non-whites.      
We may not yet be in the same circle as the fascists of the 1930's era but in the Venn diagram of right wing abominations we are certainly overlapping.

1 comment:

  1. When we get a left wing Government who aligns with the 'casto's (sic), stalin,(sic) lenin (sic), mao, (sic) and xi (sic)' then i will mention the Left Wing Venn Diagram but we haven't so i can't so it's the Right Wing Venn diagram and aligning with the Hitlers, Mussolini's, GW Bush, Pinochet's and Franco who killed 100+ millions of their own and other nations peoples.
