FOAB Information

Sunday 1 October 2023

Today Is...International Coffee Day

Back in the 80s coffee was a thick, bitter, brown liquid which came in granules or a syrup like substance which you stirred into hot water and would leave a thick ring around the top of the mug which you would have to scrub with a brillo pad to remove.
Before it became known as a Cafe au Lait or a Latte, my coffee of choice was a coffee made with milk and as we moved through the millennium years, drinking coffee became more fashionable and especially drinking coffee outside as pavement cafes became a thing as the likes of Starbucks and Costa took coffee drinking to a new level and away from chipped mugs and a choice between Nescafe or something the owner found in the back of the shelf and smelt vaguely like coffee.
Over two billion cups of coffee are drunk every day and the Johnny come lately of coffee is the decaf which has all the taste of coffee, without the point of coffee.
I get that if we all sat around drinking obscenely strong coffee all day, we would be twitchy messes on the verge of a cardiac arrest so maybe it is good that we can now factor in highs and lows when calculating our daily coffee intake although science has come good again in the fight against things that are said to be bad for you with coffee now being nudged to the 'good' side as a ten year study has found that people who drink coffee live longer with 4 cups a day giving a 64% lower risk of dying early.
They also found that you can tell a lot about a person by earwigging what they ask for at the counter so espresso drinkers tend to be moody, hard-bitten, unreliable and not very loyal and if the order is for a black coffee the drinker has a no-frills approach and can be quiet, moody and difficult but prone to
brief bursts of extroversion while the cappuccino drinkers are bubbly personalities who tend to get bored easily.
The instant coffee drinkers are cheerful but unadventurous, straight forward types and the sort who ask for a decaf are high maintenance, fussy attention seekers prone to bouts of pretentiousness.
The frappucino drinker is flighty and shallow and don't make the best partners which just leaves us latte drinker who are described as happy and willing to please but prone to attention seeking behaviour, can be too laid back for their own good and can come across as arrogant.

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