FOAB Information

Thursday 26 October 2023

António Guterres Was Right

António Guterres, the UN Secretary General, commented that the attacks against Israel 'did not happen in a vacuum' and Israel responded as it always does when someone dares to criticise them by saying the UN is bias and have an anti-Israel agenda and is calling for Guterres to be removed from his post but he was completely right, the current situation did not start on October 7th as many would have us believe, it has been ongoing for 75 years of death and
displacement of the Palestinian people by Israel as it militarily and brutally occupied it's neighbour.
That sentiment was shared by Jordan’s Queen Rania who gave a very eloquent speech on how western leaders were guilty of 'a glaring double standard for not condemning Israel’s killing of Palestinian civilians in its bombardment of Gaza' with the latest grim figures showing 7,028 Palestinians have been killed since 7 October and among the dead were 2,913 children.
Rania said: 'The people all around the Middle East, including in Jordan, we are just shocked and disappointed by the world’s reaction to this catastrophe that is unfolding. When October 7 happened, the world immediately and unequivocally stood by Israel and condemned the attack but what we’re seeing in the last couple of weeks, we’re seeing silence in the world' and ended with a withering: 'Are we being told that it is wrong to kill a family, an entire family, at gunpoint, but it’s OK to shell them to death?'
Guterres also spoke of the 'epic suffering' in Gaza and said there had been 'clear violations of international law' which prohibits 'collective punishment under all circumstances. When a nation carries out collective punishment during an armed conflict, it is committing a war crime.'
Human Rights Watch have identified Israel’s use of airbursting white phosphorus in Gaza and Amnesty International asserted that Israel: 'Have shown a shocking disregard for civilian lives. They have pulverized street after street of residential buildings killing civilians on a mass scale and destroying essential infrastructure.'
A joint statement signed by the foreign ministers of nine Arab countries, UAE, Jordan, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Egypt and Morocco has condemned what it described as the targeting of civilians and until the Americans, Brits and other nations begin to condemn Israel for their actions as they
did Hamas, they are complicit in the Israeli war crimes murdering Palestinian civilians.


  1. your statements are not factual. many mistakes.

  2. António Guterres...

    > The UN is biased. And there is a very strong anti-Israel agenda. If not for the US and UK blocking UN resolutions Israel would be back to the size it was before the 1967 war, or Israel might not even exist anymore - hard to tell how the momentum might have gone.
    > You singularly blame Israel for the Palestinian ordeal. The Palestinians, Iranians, Egyptians Syrians, and Hamas all have an equal or greater share of involvement in the conditions. The Palestinians have had decades to move elsewhere, but have remained - of course, except the Iranians, Egyptians and Syrians have made it difficult for the Palestinians to make such a move. Then there is Hamas. Israel didn’t wake up one morning and say, “let’s do some bad shit to Palestinians.” Israel has always been responding to terrorist actions, or military actions.
    > The occupation wasn’t brutal. The response to terrorist in the area has been. There is no way to compare Hamas setting up a rocket launcher in a school or hospital, then targeting Israeli citizens to Israel in return targeting the Hamas rocket launchers. Hamas is the one that put the weapons among the “innocent” citizenry.
    > BTW, that occupation has been about the same as the occupation was while under the Egyptians who lost the area to Israel in 1967.

    That sentiment...

    > Again, nobody can show that Israel is targeting civilians, certainly not in a systematic way. People should be condemning Hamas for putting their weapons and bases near hospitals and schools.
    > Reports from Palestine, are Hamas controlled, the reports can't be trusted - zero validity. Straight up disinformation to win over the pacifists.
    > They play word games. How many “2,913 children” were 16 or 17 with guns? One of my uncles was in WW2 at age 16. I got my draft card for Vietnam War at 17. Nations globally, especially in the Middle East 14, 15, 16, and 17 year old “children” as combatants - Hamas has shown over use any child as a shield.

    Rania said...
    > She gets her opinion, even if it is inaccurate and likely intended to misinform. Most nations that put out an official statement may have condemned Hamas, but many said nothing. Some released terse, obtuse statements that could be read multiple ways. And it only lasted until Israel said it would respond, then the tide turned and most statements were about Israel and how it should respond to the attack by sitting on its hands.

    Guterres (idiot)...

    > There is no way for Israel to respond to Hamas attacks without violating a UN law. Only a non-Israeli would say, “oh well, there is nothing we can do. We can’t break a UN law, no matter how useless the UN is, we must suffer.”

    Human Rights Watch...

    > Where are the Hamas terrorists located? Oh, in those “street after street of residential buildings”. Because of Hamas, the civilians had a choice of 1.) leave with no food and water, or 2.) stay with no food and water and war. They chose. Did Hamas block them? Don’t blame Israel if Hamas sees their people as assets. Did Egypt block them? Don’t blame Israel because the Egyptians hate Palestinians.

    A joint...

    > The Arab nations condemned Israel to keep Iran and Syria from turning their attention to them. The nations you note have benefited from Israel being the primary target. Those nations struggle to keep Iranian sponsored Shia terror under control in their own nations.
    > The conditional phrase is interesting, “…condemned what it described as the targeting of civilians…” There is no indication that Israel has “targeted” civilians. It is sad Hamas hides among civilians, dresses like civilians, uses civilians as assets. That should be condemned.

    You aren't taking a side. You play both sides. Is it because you are a pacifist? Hey, that is admirable, especially if it is your life and nation being threatened. Not that I remember the UK ever being pacifistic when it was the target...

  3. The UN is biased. And there is a very strong anti-Israel agenda.
    I would hope that any nation that has been militarily occupying another nation for decades would also feel the wrath of the UN

    You singularly blame Israel for the Palestinian ordeal.
    Again, who else has been militarily occupying them for 75 years?

    The occupation wasn’t brutal.
    Stealing land and building settlements on it, defying tens of UN resolutions, holding over 9000 Palestinians in its prisons, destroying farms, bulldozing homes and businesses, building a monstrous wall deemed illegal by the international court of justice and committing war crimes including using Palestinian children as human shields, deliberate bombing of civilian houses and UN buildings and targeting innocent civilians. That's not brutal?

    > Again, nobody can show that Israel is targeting civilians, certainly not in a systematic way. People should be condemning Hamas for putting their weapons and bases near hospitals and schools.

    Reports from Palestine, are Hamas controlled, the reports can't be trusted - zero validity. Straight up disinformation to win over the pacifists.

    UNICEF spokesperson James Elder told a UN press briefing in Geneva, lamenting that the death toll among minors had exceeded 3,450. UNICEF is not controlled by Hamas.

    > There is no way for Israel to respond to Hamas attacks without violating a UN law.

    The law broken is collective punishment of the Palestinians, if you herd 2.5 million people into a small area and then indiscriminately bomb them killing thousands then damn, straight it's a war crime.

    So where does this defence of the nation which has kept a brutal, murderous militarily genocidal occupation on its neighbour come from? Is it a religious thing or a right wing thing or are you just so shamefully ignorant of it all until it hit the news recently?

  4. I would hope that any nation that has been militarily occupying... blah blah
    - Much of the land that you call a nation (not recognized as a state even by the UN, only have “observer” status) was lost by Egypt and other Arab nations to Israel in a war when they attacked Israel in 1948. BTW, Arab states rejected the UN resolution.
    - Then, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan lost more land to Israel in 1967.
    - Israel gave Siani back to Egypt, and at the same time governance of Gaza was dropped by Egypt and taken over by Israel.
    - Since 1967, there have been a ridiculous number of UN resolutions mostly generated by Arab states that want to eliminate Israel, not just change the borders.
    - In 1979, Israel returned Siani to Egypt.
    - In 2006, Hamas violently took control of Gaza from Fatah, and has since launched periodic attacks on Israel and have made it clear that they only want cease fires to heal and reload for the next attack.
    - Who really cares about anything the UN does or says? Feckless idiots.
    Again, who else has been militarily occupying them for 75 years?
    - Iran, Egypt, Syria and Palestinians all have a hand in the “Palestinian ordeal”.
    - Israel didn’t occupy Gaza until 1967. So, 2023 - 1967 = 56. But even 56 years should be enough to say that the land is established as Israeli territory.

    The occupation wasn’t brutal.
    - I didn’t write that or imply it either

    UNICEF spokesperson James Elder...
    - where did UNICEF get its data? Did UNICEF get its data from Hamas?
    - “minors”, what is a minor? Someone under 21? under 18? Many nations consider 17 year old males to be valid combatants. Some Asian and Middle East nations consider a 14 year old male to be a valid combatant…

    The law broken is collective punishment of the Palestinians...
    - No, it is not a war crime. It is war. Just like when the UK and the US bombed Berlin indiscriminately… Or Russia bombing Ukraine…

    So where does this defence of the nation...
    - If Israel is attempting genocide, they are doing a lousy job of it. You use words recklessly.
    - The UN definition of “genocide” is as useless as the UN. It basically says using any form of force is genocidal. Stupid. I expect nothing better from them.
    - What is “brutal”? Launching a rocket into a civilian area of Israel that doesn’t have a military target, or firing back at the military launch site that Hamas intentionally put in a school or hospital hoping someone like you would say Israel targeted civilians?

    As usual, I’m far more educated than you on the topic at hand. I have read numerous books, geopolitical reports, and historic documents on the topic.

    My interest is two-fold (I know you were just making another personal attack. You cannot stop yourself):
    1.) counter the significant disinformation shared by the likes of you
    2.) I’d like to see a resolution of the situation. A two-state solution is not possible because Iran doesn’t want that and will use Hamas and Hezbollah to ensure there is never a two-state solution. Leaving, Israel needs to wipe out Hamas. That requires people admitting this is war. I stand by Israel because wiping out Hamas is the only feasible solution.

  5. Genocide

    Britannica - “Deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, religious, political, or ethnic group.”

    This implies the Complete Elimination, all, of a racial, religious, political, or ethnic group.

    The problem with this definition is that even Hamas is a political group.

    That means we have to use our brains, it won't hurt Lucy - give it a try, to make the concept of genocide meaningful.

    Seeking to eliminate terrorists is not genocidal.

    Thus, eliminating Hamas, a terrorist group, is not genocidal.

    If Israel doesn’t seek to eliminate Hamas, then Israel is being suicidal.


    Another version of Genocide - nobody can out perform the UN for stupidity. They are in a first place tie with Socialists, Communists, and professional journalists.

    UN - “Any of five acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole OR IN A PART, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. These five acts are:
    - killing members of the group,
    - causing them serious bodily or mental harm,
    - imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group,
    - preventing births, and
    - forcibly transferring children out of the group.

    The UN, stupidly, what else can we expect from them, added “OR IN A PART” which means causing any form of harm to even one person of a racial, religious, political, or ethnic group is genocidal.

    BTW, this means Hamas is acting in a genocidal way as well...

    What a useless definition.

    That is what they learned from the efforts of Hitler to wipe out all Jewish people? Or the efforts of Xi against the Uyghurs?

    I'm not the ignorant one here...

    So, don't even try to use the word Lucy. You don't know what it means.
