FOAB Information

Sunday 22 October 2023

Christmas In 64 Sleeps

Christmas is 64 Days away and once Halloween and Guy Fawkes Night is out the way, it is pedal down to Christmas and the inevitable arguments of when should the decorations go up.
If it was up to me i would never take them down but my husband is very much in the thought of putting them up mid December and then taking them down when the last of the turkey has been eaten so we normally compromise and go with untangling the fairy lights we carelessly just threw in the box when we took them down last year towards mid November.
Apparently there is a date for balancing on a chair to drape tinsel over everything while the cat climbs up the Christmas tree and it's the  the first day of Advent, which is the fourth Sunday before Christmas or the 3rd December this year.
Obviously i am keeping that particular detail quiet from hubby and will emphasise the report from Christmas Tree World who said that it is becoming more and more common for the decorations to go up earlier these days with some setting up their trees as soon as Halloween is over.  
My usual thing is to buy Mr Lucy an extravagant advent calendar and state that we HAVE to put up the decorations before December so he can be ready to open up the first door and that normally cools his heels about our door bell singing Jingle Bells or being unable to look out the living room window due to it being covered in snowflake stickers while the ashes from the bonfire's are still being cleared away. 

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