FOAB Information

Monday 23 October 2023

Today Is...Apple Releases The iPod

It wasn't that long ago that we listened to music on the go with a Walkman or portable CD player or if you were lucky an early version of an un-weidly MP3 player until Apple turned up with a small, sleek piece of work called the iPod.
The original, introduced today in 2001, was the first MP3 player to hold a mind-blowing 1,000 songs on a 5gb hard drive and had a 10-hour battery which they improved upon so when they put out the seventh and final generation in 2019, it held 14,000 songs on a 256gb hard drive and had a 40-hour battery life.
At £399 a pop, cheap was never Apple's thing, in much the same way that healthy has never really been Chips thing but that didn't stop people who love waiting in lines buying new, marginally improved products every single year if it had an 'i' in front of it.
I did have a secondhand ipod many generations behind with around 5,500 songs on it but while being able to take 5,500 songs around with you is nice, a backside related incident involving my husband, it was dumped sadly on the side crushed and with an arse shaped crack in it.
My first thought was to slap hubby with the bill for a replacement iPod but after the 10th 'sorry' cup of coffee, i began thinking do i really need 5,500 songs at my fingertips.
Truth is i spend just as much time track-skipping as i do listening to the songs and if i was able to still look at the play counter feature on the deceased player there would be  plenty of songs which would have a big fat zero next to them.
The problem is i like the idea of my whole record collection being at my disposal ready to plug into and choosing between a bit of 90's Grunge or 70's DISCO depending on my mood but it does seem to get to the wheat, i have a lot of chaff to skip through.
I estimate that of the 5,500 songs, approximately 5,000 very rarely make it into my ears apart from the first 2 seconds before it gets quickly shifted on. 
The solution then would be to just put the 500 most played songs on the MP3 player but i know that wouldn't happen, i would be tempted to put the whole lot on there again because you never know when you might need a bit of Electro Velvet singing their 2015 Eurovision Song on the way home from work.
I decided to point hubby and his debit card in the general direction of the shop to get a smaller and cheaper MP3 player with as many bells and whistle as possible, one that held just the 500 songs max, those that won't be skipped and risk me plowing into the back of a Tesco lorry as i try desperately to skip on from Adam and the Ants.
So men it really isn't true that size is important, or rather it is very important with penises but not with MP3 players.

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