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Sunday 12 November 2023

Nigel Farage Eating Them Rather Than Talking Them

As luck would have it we are out of the country from 20 November until 10 December which means i will not be able to watch i'm a Celebrity this year and as Nigel Farage is going to be in it, that the lucky part.
Last year the awful former Health Secretary Matt Hancock was in there and he quite rightly got picked for every trial in the first week and then the public found he was actually quite good at them and disappointingly didn't storm off in a hissy fit whenever his name was read out to eat a Kangeroo's anus or have his head dunked into something unspeakable and quite unexpectedly, people began feeling rather sorry for him and he ended up in third place although the later Covid inquiry reminded everyone what a monumental dick he was.
I would hate to see that happen to Nigel Farage because he WILL be picked for every trial at the start and the last thing i want to see if people to say 'Actually, he was quite a good sport about it all' and start voting for Britney Spears sister who is apparently rocking up in Australia also.
Hopefully he will get a termite in his ear in the first trial and be 'medically retired' or Alex Beresford will do what he did to Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain and point out that his political arguments are complete horse hockey and he will flounce off the show.
Either way, i won't be here to see it and i won't be getting bloodied fingers from continually tapping the I'm A Celebrity app to get him to eat bollocks rather than talking them.

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