FOAB Information

Monday 13 November 2023

Today Is...World Kindness Day

If you listen to the news or read the newspapers you could be forgiven for thinking that us humans are a bunch of selfish meat sacks but you sometimes hear of a story that makes you think we are not all bad, well, apart from SUV drivers obviously.
Just before Christmas, in a Tim Hortons coffee chain in Winnipeg, Canada, a drive-through customer decided to pay for the next customer in line during a random act of kindness.
The next person caught on and on hearing that his coffee was free, paid for the next in line instead.
The acts of kindness continued for three hours and 228 continuous customers.
'We don’t know who started it, but that’s the beauty of this act of generosity' said a company spokeswoman 'It was the start of something wonderful.'
Then, just when you dare to think there may be hope for us yet, you read that it came to a stop when one man refused to pay for the next customer’s three coffees although he had received four free coffees.
You just know he was probably driving an SUV as well.

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