FOAB Information

Sunday 21 January 2024

Are UFO's Actually Angels?

American Congressman Eric Burlison been pondering UFO's and his ponderings have led him to conclude that unidentified objects in the sky could actually be  'angels' sent by God himself.
Hang on there before we reach for the Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, is this really the state of American politics and dismiss him as a complete fruitcake let's see how the Missouri Congressman reached that conclusion.
'I think it's more likely that it would be something extradimensional than it would be within this dimension' Burlison said, 'And then, so what I'll say is that when you start talking about things in that nature, that they're extradimensional, well, in a lot of different scriptures, including the Bible, and others, that's really the way that you describe messengers of God or, you know, angels'.
U.S. representative for Tennessee, Tim Burchett, agrees and said that: 'UFOs were in the Bible. Read Ezekiel, it talks about the wheel flying around. So I mean, they’ve been around since we’ve been around and somebody needs to come up with some answers'.
Possibly realising that the sound of laughter from everywhere outside of the rosary clutching population of Missouri would deafen him, Burlison clarified his remarks by adding: 'In my opinion I think it’s either angels or it’s manmade' but it didn't stop one scientist using very unscientific language by saying: 'Fucking dark ages medieval shit unbelievable'.
OK, so looking at the evidence and hearing what he had to say, my pondering's have led me to thinking Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, is this really the state of American politics, what a complete fruitcake.