FOAB Information

Sunday 21 January 2024

Has Trump Got Syphilis?

On 17 January, while leaving Trump Tower to attend court in New York for one of his many lawsuits, Trump waved his dinky little hands to reporters and photographers who captured some strange red marks on his right hand.
In the images, red marks could be seen on Trump’s thumb, palm and index finger and it could be red ink, the remains of a nose bleed or even strawberry juice but many people have jumped to the conclusion that it's syphilis.
Not being a trained medical person i asked someone who has asked more men to lower their underwear and cough then i have had hot dinners and he said syphilis is an infection that is spreads through sexual contact and starts as a sore on the genitals, rectum or mouth but during secondary syphilis it is common for a rash to appear on the palms of the hands or soles of the feet'.
On pushing him on whether that looks like red ink, the remains of a nose bleed or has the fat orange racist gone and got himself syphilis, he was not willing to commit himself aware that it could spark TRUMP HAS SYPHILIS headlines but he did say that they DO look like sores but it is inconclusive.
Now there is no evidence to suggest Trump has syphilis, but considering that he is a self confessed and legally defined sex offender and boasts that he grabs women where he shouldn't be grabbing them, i think there's a good chance that he has syphilis which would also explain why Melania has not been seen for months and was missing from the family Christmas photo, it must be bad enough to be married to the porn star screwing moron but a syphilitic porn star screwing moron is even too much for her very low bar.