FOAB Information

Tuesday 20 February 2024

Berating Israel Is Not Anti-Semitism

In 2016, the British Government decided to crack down on antisemitism by rewriting it's definition because the Prime Minister at the time, Theresa May, said culprits were getting away with antisemitic behaviour or language 'because the term is ill defined' so now the official definition is that antisemitism is 'language or behaviour that displays hatred towards Jews because they are Jews' which seems amazingly close to what i thought the definition was anyway.
The problem is when anyone criticises Israel, the Jews automatically scream 'antisemitism' to try and shut it down, i once had a long discussion here with someone who tried to choke off any criticism of Israel by calling me an antisemite during one of the many times when Israel was pounding Gaza and his argument was that by me having a go at Israel, i was also having a go at Jews because they are the only Jewish state.
My argument was if that is the criteria then any criticism of England he makes is anti-Church of England because we are the only Church of England nation which he said was absurd which it is, but it never seemed to dawn on him that it was exactly what he was doing.
Nobody went after Christians when George W Bush and Tony Blair were at their warmongering worst and it would have been ridiculous if they had.  
When it comes to Israel, the left doesn't have much love towards it due to their awful genocidal behaviour towards the Palestinians for decades and quite right to, we also went after Russia for what it was doing in Ukraine, Britain and America for what it did in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan and hit out at Saudi Arabia for attacking Yemen and if any other nation decides to bomb another back to the stone age, they will feel the wrath of the left also, and so they should.
Israel may be a country of Jews, but we continue to berate and lambast the country and it's leaders for what it is doing, not because they are Jewish but because they are committing genocide so don't let the constant cries of 'you are being antisemitic' stop you from haranguing, boycotting or demonstrating against Israel, antisemitism is 'language or behaviour that displays hatred towards Jews because they are Jews' which isn't what we are doing, it is language or behaviour that displays a hatred for the way one nation is murdering and slaughtering another, as anyone with an ounce of compassion and empathy should be doing also.