FOAB Information

Tuesday 20 February 2024

Today Is...Kurt Cobain Day

It would have been Kurt Cobain's Birthday today and the home town of the Grunge star honours their most famous son with an annual Kurt Cobain day.
The residents of Aberdeen, Washington celebrate the life of the 90's singer with concerts and a huge statue of the troubled star who ended his life aged just 27.
'Aberdeen residents may justifiably take pride in the role our community played in the life of Kurt Cobain' reads a proclamation from the cities Mayor who thanked the Grunge superstar for putting the city on the map.
So indebted are they to him that they have tagged 'Come As You Are' from one the bands biggest hits to their Welcome sign.
I'm not sure what Kurt Cobain would make of the place he once called 'Twin Peaks without the excitement' claiming him for their own, i expect he wouldn't have been very happy about it. Oh well, nevermind.
In memory i'm going to throw 'Smell's Like Teen Spirit' in the CD Player and fondly remember the man who spoke for a generation with the immortal lyrics: 'A mulatto, An albino, A mosquito, My libido,Yeah'. Indeed Kurt, indeed.

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