FOAB Information

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Madness Of 2.5%

You sometimes look at the World and the people running it and you think everyone has gone nuts which is exactly what i thought this morning when i saw that the British Government are upping Defence spending from 2.3% to 2.5% of GDP, or £87 billion.
In 2020, the UK government announced a reduction of Foreign Aid from 0.7% to 0.5% of GDP citing a severe economic downturn as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and committed to returning to spending 0.7 per cent when the fiscal situation allowed and in 2023 £888 million was spent on humanitarian assistance.
Obviously they consider the fiscal situation still hasn't allowed them to put it back to 0.7% as they have been dishing out 0.5% ever since but somehow it has improved enough to allow them to drop 0.5% on buying weapons.
So reduce the amount paid out to actually save and improve peoples lives but increase the already staggeringly obscene amount we pay to take and destroy them.
The Treasury confirmed that it would be partially funding the extra defence spending by cutting the civil service headcount by more than 70,000 although the entire pay-bill of the civil service is around £14bn a year, making it unlikely that even deep cuts could make a dent in the extra £75bn needed.
The Civil Service, the Governments actual workforce, is already understaffed and at breaking point which is why it takes up to 6 months for your Tax Return to be dealt with and any repayment issued and months for your passport to be dealt with and why the backlog in the Home Office has resulted in  Asylum applications taking so long that the Asylum seekers have to be housed in hotels while they await their decision.
It really does boggle my mind that in a nation already creaking through Conservative Party austerity and cuts, they plan to make even deeper cuts to afford to buy bombs, missiles and bullets. Sheer and utter madness but you know some people will be cheering it while the infrastructure literally falls down around their ears through lack of funding.