FOAB Information

Saturday 27 April 2024

Peace For Everyone Between Every River And Every Sea

George W Bush, after the 9/11 attacks, had a line where he would try to cowl people into supporting his attacks on Iraq and Afghanistan by saying you were either with him or against him and the same sort of thing is going on now with the idea that if you are not supporting Israel then you are supporting Hamas.
Obviously nonsense and there was an American student on a campus just after the American polices unnecessarily overhanded brutality on protesters who said something which i thought hit the nail on the head for most of us wanting to see an end to the bloodshed in the Middle East, saying she wanted: ‘peace for everyone between every river and every sea'.
The media doesn't help by labeling protests as 'pro-Palestinian' or 'anti-Israel', during the Iraq War there were 'anti-war' and 'peace protesters', not 'pro-Iraq' or 'anti-UK' protesters and Britain and America supply Israel with weapons with which the Israeli's have killed  tens of thousands of people, decimating homes, hospitals and schools but these actions are not portrayed as 'anti-Palestinian', although that is who they are firmly dropped and fired onto on what the highest court in the World, the ICJ, has ruled in all likelihood falls under the banner of genocide.
So support for the Palestinians is not support for Hamas who must be removed entirely and nor is it anti-Israel or antisemitic which is another trope which gets thrown around to try and stop any criticism of Israel but what is unmistakable is that the safety and security of Israeli's and Palestinians are dependent on both states being safe, secure and run by people who want to see peace.
Hamas and this Israeli Government both have the same agenda of prolonging a conflict which has been going on for decades, namely they are killing and punishing the 'other side' to keep themselves relevant and in power, the ones who can stop the atrocities coming across the Gaza–Israel barrier wall.
The only solution to a hopelessly one sided battle which has been going on since the 1940's is for Palestine and Israel to realise that for both to live in peace, both have to be safe with leaders interested in ensuring a peaceful co-existence with their neighbour and that isn't Hamas killing as many Jews as possible or Netanyahu inflicting a murderous genocide on the Palestinians.


  1. The people in Israel elected Netanyahu in 1996, 2009 and 2022
    by so doing, they chose to support a leader guilty of atrocities. He IS committing genocide against Palestinians. Nothing Palestinians can do, except committing mass suicide, will satisfy the elected representative of Israel.

    See, works either way if your eyes are not closed to what's been going on for decades.

  2. Well one of us doesn’t so let’s check with the ICC and ICJ. Oh what a shocker, it’s you.
