FOAB Information

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Justice Finally For Assange

A long legal battle fighting extradition to the USA for leaking military secrets, Julian Assange appears to have agreed a deal with American authorities where he will plead guilty to one criminal charge and go free.
As the events were over 14 years ago, a recap of just what Julian Assange did may be in order.
The Australian ran Wikileaks, a website that published confidential official reports and in 2010 it released a video from a US military helicopter which showed civilians being killed in the Iraqi capital Baghdad and then calling in an air strike to destroy the evidence in the Iraqi town of Ishaqi as well as publishing thousands of confidential documents supplied by former US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning which showed that the US military had murdered hundreds of civilians during the war in Afghanistan, including shooting a 5 month old baby in the head as it slept in its cot.
The US answer to the claims which they had denied until it was uncovered, was to say that the leaks had endangered the lives of American personnel and efforts were made to bring him to the US for prosecution.
Assange took refuge in the Ecuadoran embassy and then a high security prison where he fought 14 years of court battles until today's decision which is a travesty when you consider that the real criminals were the American military and in a truly just world it would be the chopper pilots and the animals who killed the innocent civilians sitting in a prison cell, a far greater crime than revealing their deaths.
The deal is that Assange will plead guilty to one charge under the Espionage Act of conspiring to unlawfully obtain and disseminate classified national defence information and in return the extradition request will be dropped and Assange won’t face any other charges.
For the one charge he will be sentenced to five years, the amount of time he has spent in the High Security Prison in Britain so will walk free after the sentencing and i expected to return to Australia.
The only crime Assange is guilty of is exposing the war crimes of the US Military and for that he should be applauded but in the messed up world we live in, that is the reason they wanted to silence him.