FOAB Information

Thursday 27 June 2024

Relax Paranoid Humans



  1. since most IT and AI people are male, i'd have thought the question she here's most often is, "what is your bra size?"

  2. ha ha, all those things "it" said about the Earth shouldn't matter to AI... just sayin... AI should be able to exist on the moon...

  3. I think it was to show how awful humans are. They also nicked most of it from my previous Mother Nature post.

  4. I am not a fan of it to be honest, it sounds very flat and the humour doesn’t come across very well so can’t see it becoming a regular here but may say they can use it on one of the other blogs.

  5. it is like everything else created by humans. garbage in gives you garbage out.

    I expect AI will advance to the point, in less than 5 years, that we won't be able to tell the difference.

    having done innovation work with many people in the US federal government and some selected universities, it is highly likely (99%) the US intelligence community already has the ability to create a video of any person, on any topic, and we can't tell if it is the real person or an AI persona. i base this on a few observations:
    - my experience is that the US IC/DOD is usually 20 to 30 years ahead of what the public knows on almost every technology
    - the US IC monitors every PhD program in the US (and likely outside the US as well) for advances and will use imminent domain to take ownership
    - i submitted patents related to AI circa 2015, in the process i found amazon patents dated 1997... amazon, google, apple, microsoft, and ibm are a decade ahead of other corporate AI developers
    - the approach by facebook, apple, amazon, google, ibm, microsoft, and others isn't one huge AI. many years ago they figured out it is better to have thousands of AI models that work together in a federated manner... this allows them to advance faster

    on an individual level, i can't figure out how to get trusted information about anything of significance. all the news providers slant what we hear and see. and the social media sources are, and for years have been, significantly manipulated by deliberate national espionage programs with the russians leading the way, china gaining ground on russia, and iran becoming a significant player. the US, israel, and some in the eu have significant capabilities, but are restrained by law and cultural accountability that is not found in tyrannical nations.

    AI that can create human like videos will make it far worse to know what is really happening beyond our local reach - where we can personally verify events and conditions.
