FOAB Information

Friday 28 June 2024

Warning: Offensive Language And Picture Of Nigel Farage

To the left is a picture of Reform UK's head banana chomping on Crocodile anus which would be funny at any time but it it especially humorous now that him and his party are trying to get serious and run for Member of Parliament.
The problem butt breath has got is that his party of racists and xenophobes keep attracting racists and xenophobes so after blaming the vetting company he hired for not weeding out the sort of people last seen dragging their knuckles along the ground and protesting against foreigners and saying the racist things they said had been taken out of context, he now has to contend with a campaigner for his Party, Andrew Taylor, who was recorded calling the Prime Minister a Fucking Paki, said Reform would turn all mosques into Wetherspoons, called members of the LGBT+ community paedophiles and said the army should use the immigrants in dinghies bobbing around in the Channel for shooting practise.  
Farage came out and said: 'I have to tell you, this whole thing is a complete and total setup. Of that I have no doubt whatsoever' and Parker did what all racists do because they hate it when you call them racist and denied being a racist saying: 'Christ, I’m not a racist. I’ve had Muslim girlfriends. They were off-the-cuff things that everyone says' which everyone replied loudly, no we don't, just pathetic people like you say them and how the hell did a brain dead moron like you manage to get a girlfriend in the first place, regardless of her religion?
Farage has repeated once again after a member of his team has said something racist that he and his party are opposed to racism but racists don’t seem to be opposed to Reform UK, and the party attracts them like a magnet. Strange that.