FOAB Information

Friday 31 December 2021

FOAB 2021 Top 5 Posts

There have been 431 posts on this blog in 2021, mostly Special Guest Blogger posts as time constraints and travelling a stupid amount for work meant that i just didn't have the time to post as much about current affairs as i would have liked so this is a good time to look back and see which ones filled the top 5 slots and which ones can be left to whither on the Internet vine.  

Top post was by the Christian Priest Arius who explained how he met a very messy end when he upset the Church and second was the cat in a box guy Erwin Schrödinger.
Third was the Greek/Roman God Apollo and his complicated family life and how he refuses to be held responsible for boy bands and fourth Saint Louis of France telling us how he was really really bad at Crusades and the fifth most viewed post was the brilliant the entry to Lucy's Museum of Musicians who deserve entry to Lucy's Museum for Bouquet Veal and their 'It's Christmas' song.

As always, a massive thank you to anyone who has blundered across my little piece of the Web in the past year and may you have a great 2022 where i am sure i will be clogging up the internet with yet more left wing hippy views and dead celebrities.

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