Wednesday 1 January 2014

FOAB Posts in 2013

There were 423 posts on this blog in 2013 and Statcounter tells me that the top posts were:

World Turning Vegetarian
Thatcher Jokes
e-cigarettes As Medicine
Voyager-1 Has Left The Solar System
Pop Songs Ripping Off Classical Tunes

No rhyme or reason that connects the posts that i can see and there has been the usual mix of serious and not so serious posts, probably more climate change ones than normal as the Worlds weather went loopy.
The Behind The Scenes Of The 2013 List Post took the longest, i started that one around August but my own favourite was back in January, Thinking About Uranus. Proper schoolgirl stuff.

I do find myself considering moving on from the blogging sometimes, after almost a decade there can't be many more situations or thoughts left that i haven't posted either here or my previous blogs and i have a constant nagging to write up some of the novella ideas that have been floating around my brain for years and i keep meaning to start on but never seem able to. Just seems easier to find the pithy 500 words to type here rather than the 100,000 to turn what's in my over-active brain into a proper story.
I'm sure that i will still be saying it next December so Happy New Year to all and let's hope that 2014 takes a
leaf from Abraham Lincoln in the Bill & Ted movie and we are all excellent to each other.


Anonymous said...

I thought you had a lot provocative posts, and may humorous ones as well.

in fact, I suggested your blog to a bunch of neocons.

I told them that you represent the left pretty well, and that while you ignore facts you don't like and neglect logic that you rarely, maybe never, attack the person (which is typical of people from he left) and stick to misrepresenting data and logic...


Lucy said...

I like it when you accuse me of misrepresenting data and logic, i take it as a way of you not being able to take apart my argument so you try and take apart the way i arrive at the argument.

Lucy said...

Nice list, very sweeping.

If you provide proper facts then we engage with them, if you use them to try and change the subject, swerve the discussion or have no relevance to the discussion then they get ignored.

Chris said...

Happy New Year Lucy. Can we expect more climate change, political and left wing posts from you this year?
I only read the non-political ones and delete anything else from my reader as i have no interest in them.

Lucy said...

Happy New Year to you also Chris. I can't see things changing Chris, sorry. You will have to keep deleting the ones you don't like but thank you for reading the other ones.

Cheezy said...

Lucy: I enjoy the mixture of political and non-political... and the fact that we have profound differences on many issues is a good thing in my view - it helps me re-examine my own thoughts about things.

PS: I enjoyed reading Q's battle with all those left-wing strawmen in his head. Do you reckon the solitaire app on his iPhone has stopped working?

Lucy said...

Too much red meat i reckon. Did you see the size of the cooker he had in the garden? I can only just about get a 12" pizza in mine and he's got one that can fit two cows!

Anonymous said...

Every one of those was used on me by someone from the left.


Anonymous said...

In fact lucy has used some of them

The latest is that mcdonald's advertizing makes people eat until they are fat and they cant stop themselves


Cheezy said...

"Every one of those was used on me by someone from the left."

I bet you they haven't been.

Cheezy said...

One is certainly catchier than the either. But neither of them happen to be true.

Anonymous said...


you are right. I have not been told "i'm tired". But, I have been told my ideals are tired...
