Friday 5 September 2014

The Chavez Prayer

There are many similarities between ex-Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Jesus.
Both looked out for the poor and needy, both looked down upon financial greed and both were revered by tens of millions around the globe.
It is only the fact that Hugo Chavez was a real person and Jesus a figment of someones imagination that separates the two but as far as politicians go, if there is one that should be lauded and used as a role model for others to aspire to, Chavez is it.
Now his Socialist party have annoyed the Catholics by rewriting the Lords Prayer which bought the rather sniffy statement: 'The Lord’s Prayer comes from the very lips of our Lord Jesus Christ and is therefore untouchable' from the Catholic church to the new prayer that very much touches Jesus's lips by imploring Chavez for protecting against the evils of capitalism.

Our Chávez who art in heaven,
the earth, the sea and in us delegates,
Lead us not into the temptation of capitalism,
deliver us from the evil of the oligarchy,
like the crime of contraband,
because ours is the homeland,
the peace and life,
forever and ever.

It is easily preferable to use the prayer to laud such a fine example of what a politician should be  than the reason there has been and continues to be so many wars and so many deaths.
Also, Chavez was a real person and anyway, Jesus would probably approve more of someone who shared his values than those in power who claim he told them to start wars.


Lucy said...

The pouch and the bouncing?

Nog said...

I'm pretty sure that rendition of Hugo Chavez is at least as fictional.

Lucy said...

Very true Nog, he didn't bounce at all.