Thursday 28 January 2016

Is Trump A Fascist?

Fascism is defined as an extreme right-wing, authoritarian or intolerant views or practises and Hitler and Mussolini were the most famous advocates but there is a new fascist in town and he brings a haircut even Hitler would describe as bizarre.
US presidential hopeful Donald Trump incites racism like fascist dictator Adolf Hitler according to Anne Frank’s stepsister and Auschwitz death camp survivor Eva Schloss.
Schloss warns that she sees similarities between the Nazi leader and the Republican who has been 'acting like another Hitler by inciting racism', referring to his comments regarding Mexicans as drug dealers, criminals and rapists and wanting to bar all Muslims from entering the United States.
As his former wife revealed during the divorce proceedings, the most thumbed book in the Trump library was the book of Hitler quotes, 'My New Order', and there was that infamous quote 'this guy Hitler had some good ideas' which doesn't do anything to dispel the myth that Trump is a wannabe fascist. 
Holding extreme right wing views and blaming a specific group of immigrants for all the countries problems does not a fascist make but it is a great start.


Falling on a bruise said...

As the definition is 'an extreme right-wing, authoritarian or intolerant views or practises', seems he ticks all the boxes. He obviously learned from that book he kept beside his bed.

Falling on a bruise said...

I'm not sure if the Oxford English Dictionary is a hotbed of Marxism idealogy but i somehow doubt it.

Falling on a bruise said...

I'm not sure but lexicographers don't seem like rampant trots fighting the system, bit like librarians really.