Monday 9 May 2016

Invictus Games Doesn't Sit Right

Not that i ever give George W Bush any credit for anything but at least i thought he had the decency to keep his head down after what he did in Iraq and Afghanistan but that has been blown out of the water as he turned up at the Invictus Games, the games which he did so much to create the participants for in the first place.
Bush clearly he has no shame or conscience and what were the veterans thinking applauding him when he dragged his carcass onto the stage, clapping for the man who was directly responsible for sending them to get their limbs forcibly removed by IED's and rocket propelled rockets. 
The Invictus Games does leave me with an uneasy feeling of whitewashing over the recent wars of Great Britain and the USA, accepting the wars that wounded these men and women in the first place so we sympathise with our boys rather than the million plus dead, wounded and permanently disabled we left behind in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Seeing George Bush up on the stage being treated like he was some kind of hero by the very same people he sent to war under false pretences really doesn't sit right with me, especially as he would be better suited to a stage in the Hague rather than 'celebrating' with the military who got injured causing so much pain and misery to other people.
I will go out of my way to avoid it, feels too much like a celebration and acceptance of what we did.
Yes it is terrible to see injured veterans but they were there in the terms of their employment, they got paid to do what they did while a million dead Iraqis and Afghans had no choice, they were trapped between the tanks  and fighter jets dropping bombs on them from on high.


Falling on a bruise said...

Rather what politicians believe or in reality what they say they believe. Would be very different if it was here and Blair turned up on stage.

Falling on a bruise said...

If you are in the military you have no choice, you are at the whim of whoever is president or prime minister.

Falling on a bruise said...

Why would that be especially as he is the main reason they are now disabled?

Falling on a bruise said...

Hmmm...because they refuse to believe they had been duped? Most of the military are right wing so would always side with bush over Obama? They refuse to believe that they have been disabled for no reason? They suffer from some sort of Stockholm syndrome? They just don't know what they were doing and didn't care because it gave them an excuse to have a war? Any of these close?

Falling on a bruise said...

Fighting for gwb's beliefs surely? They didn't do it because they thought it was right, they were sent there regardless.

Falling on a bruise said...

They can choose the tours they go on?