Thursday 16 June 2016

Antarctic CO2 Hits The 400 Mark

Frustratingly for the few remaining pea-sized brain climate change deniers that remain, the world won't behave itself and just keeps doing bad things which makes it harder for them to justify their view that all is fine and that all the extreme weather events and rising sea-levels are down to sun spots or it just being something what the Earth does from time to time.
Thankfully these people were long ago put into the box marked 'irrelevant' and we get on with doing something about it but despite meetings to set up meetings to talk about meeting up to discuss the damaged environment, the Earth continues to react to all the pollution we have stuffed into it's atmosphere since the start of the Industrial Revolution and now the most remotest CO2 measuring station in the Antarctic has ticked over to a 400 parts per million (ppm) reading.
Ice cores show that the last time that region had such a high CO2 reading was 4 million years ago.
As our politicians kick tackling climate change into the long grass so they don't have to tackle it and it becomes the next guy's problem, the devastating climate change juggernaut continues to career down the road.


Falling on a bruise said...

A dream world for pointing out the 400ppm or the politicians kicking things onto the long grass? Unsure which part of the post is dream worldly.

Falling on a bruise said...

Going to have to at some point otherwise humans become a page in the history book of whatever mammal/reptile/fish/insect takes over assuming they will have history books.