Monday 27 June 2016

World Becoming More Left Wing

We all know where being right wing ends up, burning women for being witches, slave owners, black men hanging from trees and 6 million dead Jews are proof of that but before you despair history does seem to show that we are shifting over to left wing values of equality and fairness for all, just very slowly. 
Looking at the big picture, we have gone from monarchies and dictatorships to democracies and social equality over the past 1500 years and a lot of the social reforms we see that are regarded currently as the norm weren't in the past, such as gay rights, feminism, civil rights for minorities and abortion rights.
There have been blips and countries that are further along the curve than others, it has not been a smooth transition but we are on a trend where there is more equality, more power for people who were previously powerless and human rights have been extended to cover more of society.  
One reason to be cheerful is that the future is left wing with more social and financial equality for all while the right wing and it's selfish hatred of anyone different is a diminishing thing of the past and that is always a good thing.


Falling on a bruise said...

Hmmm, not celebrating the many changes for the better then that adopting a left wing stance has bought the world and its people?

Falling on a bruise said...

So who's freedom exactly was restricted by making women, blacks, gays and the disabled equal in society?

Falling on a bruise said...

You made the claim the left favour equality over freedom so down to you to explain who's freedom is restricted.

Falling on a bruise said...

I have never considered equality and freedom as the same thing and always considered it quite odd that you did and could never understand why you always seemed to say one was at the expense of the other as in your comment above where you say equality is favoured over freedom. In that case I have no idea what you mean when you say it.

Falling on a bruise said...

Indeed, metaphorically speaking.