Sunday 3 July 2016

Merkel, May And Clinton

If things play out the way they look like they will, Angela Merkel could very well soon be joined in the queue for the Ladies toilet at the UN by a couple of more female World Leaders in the shape of Hillary Clinton and Theresa May.
Unless the FBI bring a screeching halt to her bandwagon, Mrs Clinton should be soon measuring up the Oval Office for curtains and Mrs May is the hot favourite to be changing the wallpaper in 10 Downing Street to match her sofa.
At this point i should be making quips about what a bloody mess men have made of things and they should now step aside and let us women have a go but while Merkel may not be a warmongering lunatic, May and Clinton certainly are.
Clinton is a hawkish woman who has supported armed conflict at every single opportunity and is in favour of undertaking another Rambo exercise in Syria while May was a cheerleader for the Afghan and Iraq conflicts and has voted for the use of UK military forces whenever it has turned up, which shamefully has been quite a lot this century.
She also wants to replace Trident with a shiny new nuclear weapons system so it seems that being the owner of a bra and owning a womb are not prerequisites for being a different sort of more caring and sharing politician, it just means you are a warmonger who has boobs and can bear children.
If Angela Merkel wants to do us all a favour and promote World Peace, she should lock them both in the United Nations Lavatory at the first opportunity.


Falling on a bruise said...

It doesn't seem to be mentioned much here, it was mentioned almost in passing in the International round up but that's it.

Falling on a bruise said...

The decent thing with Clinton and May is that they both have a previous voting record to look at from which we can gauge how they think.