Tuesday 27 March 2018

Looking At Them Looking At Us

Best estimates say there are 400 billion stars in our galaxy and if you multiply that by another 100 billion for the number of galaxies in the universe then that is a ridiculous amount of Planets where life could be also looking out into space and wondering if they are the only ones. 
There are some humans who don't believe that any of the planets rotating around those 40,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 stars is enough places for life to have started up and our planet is the only one in the 91 billion light-years wide Universe to harbour life but then humans once thought they were at the centre of the Universe which was created just for them.
Unfortunately those humans who still think the odds are against something being out there are in for a shock at the end of the century according to Dr. Jill Tarter, chair of Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) who says we will find life beyond Earth this century.
Dr Tarter has exclaimed that due to new advancements in science and the way we monitor the sky 'We might, within the 21st century, have the answer to whether there is life beyond Earth. And we've been asking that question for a very, very long time'.
Meanwhile, out there somewhere there is a very high probability that someone or something is gazing towards our arm of the Milky Way Galaxy in the Virgo Supercluster billions of light years away and wondering if any of those estimated 400 billion stars over there has life on a ball of rock going around just one of those stars.


Falling on a bruise said...

I know a Lee Dixon, Alesha Dixon and i knew a Kerry Dixon at school but not a Jeane Dixon.
Dr. Jill Tarter is also wondering when she became male.

Falling on a bruise said...

If you mean Jeane Dixon, no idea what she is. If you mean the very much female Dr Jill Tarter then i'm sure you read her title in the post.