Sunday 22 December 2019

Life Isn't Fair, So Make It Fairer

As my time as a blogger is probably coming to an end in January, there was a blog post i wrote back in 2013 which set out what i was all about and the hope that the one thing that i hope comes across from my blog writings is i want things to be fair.
Whenever i mention the unfairness surrounding us, the regular cry i hear back is that is that life isn't fair and i should just deal with it but my reply is why should we have to deal with it? Why can't we strive to make things fairer for every single one of us?
Our cry should be 'Life isn't fair, so let's make it fairer' and that is the driving force behind the vast majority of the posts on this blog.
So we have people dying through lack of food while others are dying through obesity and that's not fair.
We have people with numbers like telephone numbers in the balance column of their bank account and people who can't afford to turn on a single bar of their electric fire in winter and that's not fair.
We have large corporations being let off billions in tax and then other people having their possessions taken and and that's not fair.
In the time of austerity, pensioners and the disabled had their grants slashed while the bankers who caused the problems received millions in bonuses and that isn't fair.
We see Wars and terrorist attacks where hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians die and that's not fair.
The changing climate brings floods and droughts and extreme weather that wrecks lives but those responsible just continue to churn out their poison and that isn't fair.      
Big business buy influence with Worlds Governments for their own advantage and that isn't fair.
Oppressive regimes are armed and funded as long as they sell powerful nations what they want and removed from power if they don't, and that's not fair.
Some people kill animals for sport and i think that's not fair.
People are persecuted for their religion, race, skin colour, sex or because they love someone of their own sex and that isn't fair.
There are people who own multiple homes sitting empty while others sleep in a doorway and own only a sleeping bag and that's not fair.
Art works are bought for millions of pounds but hospitals have to beg for donations to buy life saving equipment and that isn't fair.
While it may be true that life isn't fair, rather than just accept it, we should be trying our hardest to make it fairer.


Falling on a bruise said...

It is nice to see that your understanding of most things is still sadly no match for your eagerness to have an opinion opposite of mine.
You should write a post setting out how the plight of the elderly, disabled, war/terror victims, blacks and religious and those killed by extreme weather are a victim of the choices they made and mention also that through their choices that Governments sell arms to dodgy governments, allow access for funds and let off large companies billions from their tax bill while repossessing their homes and belongings for sending in a tax return late, is their own fault.

You don't need to bother trying to justify how your definition of 'equality' differs from everyone else's though as you have tried that and failed miserabley plenty of times already.

Falling on a bruise said...

The negative, selfish, dark evil place being wanting things to be fair for everyone? That's really dark and evil!!

So you are not going to try (or are able) to show how the plight of the elderly, disabled, war/terror victims, blacks and religious and those killed by extreme weather are a victim of the choices they made? Shame because i was looking forward to seeing how you would shoehorn in your bizarre right wing beliefs into blaming people for things they have no control over but while it is a shame, it really isn't a surprise.

Falling on a bruise said...

Wow... just wow. Did you not read the post or read it and just not understand it or read it and then just typed the same old rubbish about your wrongheaded view of equality again? Your lack of understanding is legendary but even you can’t be this bad by accident. It has moved out of being humorous and is into the realms of is he really that bad at understanding simple concepts like fairness?

Falling on a bruise said...

So are you going to try to show how the plight of the elderly, disabled, war/terror victims, blacks and religious and those killed by extreme weather are a victim of the choices they made despite them having no control over it?

Falling on a bruise said...

Hmmm... I’m guessing no then, what a shock you are unable to substantiate your words!!