Sunday 8 December 2019

Why Is There Still Homophobia in 2019?

It is amazing that in 2019 there are still people who are homophobic but the issue seems to be with men who have a problem with male homosexuals.
Women seem a lot more accepting of gay couples of either sex but it appears to some men, the thought of another two men loving each other is abhorrent and wrong.
Thankfully they are becoming outnumbered as society becomes more tolerant with each generation but listening to homophobes, one of the main issue seems to be how gay men have sex.
What two people do in the bedroom shouldn't be anybody else's business but theirs and if you obsessed over a straight couple's sex life you would quite rightly be deemed a pervert but for some reason that is where the main focus goes for homophobic men.
Another reason i have heard is that the homophobic men who protest most loudly are concerned that others may think they are gay so they speak out as a way to show they are not.
Then there is the fallacy that all men who are gay fancy all other men so homophobes are afraid to be in the vicinity of a gay man as they may and try it on with them which apart from being a massive bit of vanity, is wrong because as men sometimes say they wouldn't touch a certain woman with a ten foot pole, the gay community say the same things so for some a couple of ten foot poles may be required before they touched you.  
HIV, especially in the 80's and 90's, became incorrectly known as a gay disease and that ignorance continues in some minds today but the most homophobic demographic is the religious community who stick to their dogma that relationships should only be between a man and a woman.
It is the religious who opposed same sex marriage and it is the more religious countries who continue with the strictest anti-homosexual laws, condemning them to death in some nations.
I say if you are homophobic, and you know if you are or not, go talk to one and you will find that they are completely the same as you it is just that the person they love has a penis and not a vagina and that is the only difference.


Falling on a bruise said...

Only the norm for dinosaurs with outdated mindsets, it is accepted by the upcoming generations.

Falling on a bruise said...

With the exception of China, deeply religious nations confirming the above that they are the most homophobic by far.