Wednesday 30 September 2020

Having A Laugh

I never understand the mentality of those American's who look at Donald Trump and think, 'hmmm...i think he had done alright so far so i think i will vote for him to have another four years' but apparently there are many Americans who plan to do just that which would be hilarious if it wasn't for the extra 204,000 coffins which have been pressed into action due to his Coronavirus awfulness.
I know next to nothing about Joe Biden apart from every time i see him it looks as though he has just been woken up but even he cannot be as bad as the present guy who has been making America in his own image, a complete laughing stock.
As for who wins the election in November, i'm 5,000 miles away and care very little but it is the Americans with enough brain cells to see what a moron he is that i feel for, those who actually care that he has taken their country down the gurgler and causing former American Presidents spin so fast in their graves that cemeteries are spontaneously combusting all over the country.
There are many low-lights from the Trump Presidency, the injecting bleach to treat Coronavirus, calling far-right protestors 'very fine people', lying about his inauguration crowd size and trying to buy Greenland but my personal favourite came in the last few days when it was revealed that he spent $70,000 on his hair. The laughs of '$70,000 for that!!' was deafening.
If $70,000 gets you that weird looking mop he has been parading around in for the past four years then he should have paid more because that's almost half as much as he paid Stormy Daniels to keep her mouth shut about their affair, maybe that's why he only paid $750 in tax due to his business interests being in such a dire state, the sixth bankruptcy must be getting lined up on the horizon.
Hard to believe that it is even a thing that he may get back in but maybe there are enough racists, misogynsts and brain dead idiots who prefer him to a proper grown up leader but then we have Boris Johnson over here currently doing such a bang up job himself so we have our fair share of brain dead idiots ourselves.
Maybe it will take another election cycle to finally put the nail in the coffin of the idea that voting for overweight, stupidily haired awful right wingers is anything but disastrous but if that's the case, then for the next four years the nails will literally be coffin nails. 


Falling on a bruise said...

and you still advocate the leftist arguments that lockdown is the solution

A syringe full of bleach and a respirator if you can show where in the post I advocated lockdown is the solution. I see your change of blog hasn’t improved your idiomatic tendencies I notice.

Falling on a bruise said...

So you spent all that time and energy typing out that comment based on something I never said but purely based on your interpretation of what I said, not the first time. Nope, not a left or right thing whatsoever in uk.