Saturday 12 September 2020

Lesser Spotted Right Wing Comedians

There is a bit of a debate going on with the new guy at the BBC who is asking why there are not more right wing comedians on the BBC panel shows, simply its because the right wing are not funny, well not in the way he means anyway.
The whole thing the left wing has got is that the right wingers are so ridiculous and mock-worthy that it is simplicity itself to make fun of them and to mock their muddle headed views which is why you can't swing a sack of lentils without hitting a left wing comedian but right wing comedians are as rare as a coherent thought in Donald Trump's manically coiffered head.    
Also, if there are any right wingers with the required amount of working brain-cells, they wouldn't want to be seen to be on the same side of the fence as the current crop of right wingers, especially the blonde clown who must dread Fathers Day in the UK and the orange faced racist lunatic currently doing such a bang up job in America, to be associated with either would be career suicide.  
A lack of decent material is the same reason why there is a dearth of songs that highlight right wing ideals with lyrics about smaller Government, free markets and more wars against Muslim countries filled with oil or heaping praise upon right wing luminaries such as Margaret Thatcher, George W Bush or even that right wing god-father Hitler.
So good luck trying to find any humorous right wingers who can join panel shows and be funny because there are no right-wing comedians with decent material for the same reason that there are no decent Phil Collins songs, they just don't exist.

1 comment:

Falling on a bruise said...

See, you didn’t manage even one joke in that rant.