Friday 10 December 2021

Assange Ruling A Travesty

The High Court has decided that Julian Assange can now be extradited to the US to face espionage charges after the US have given assurances that Assange would not face those strictest measures and be held in solitary confinement in a maximum security prison and if convicted, will be able to serve his time in an Australian prison.
Amnesty International describing the ruling as 'a travesty of justice' and Reporters Without Borders said the ruling was 'a bleak moment for journalists' so this may be a good time to review exactly what Assange did to face the wrath of America and receive quotes such as one time Presidential candidate Mick Huckabee saying 'anything less than execution is too kind a penalty' and one time Vice President Sarah Palin calling for him to be treated as if he was 'an Al Quaeda or Taliban leader'.
In 2010, the Afghan and Iraq wars were in full swing and as the owner of Wikileaks, Assange released classified US military footage of US forces shooting and killing civilians on the streets of Baghdad from an Apache attack helicopter along with torture manuals for Guantanamo Bay, the extraordinary rendition campaign and evidence that U.S. troops executed at least 10 Iraqi civilians, including a woman in her 70s, a 5-month-old infant and a 7 month old baby shot in the head then called in an air strike to destroy the evidence in the Iraqi town of Ishaqi.
All the horrific acts were strongly denied by the American military until it was uncovered and the following investigation into the chopper incident resulted in one soldier being exonerated and the other being suspended without pay for a month.
The person who revealed this to the world has now spent years hiding out in the Ecudorian Embassy and now faces extradition to America but it isn’t hard to see the US Government hate leakers like him, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden as we would still be in the dark and that is how they would prefer it, much rather we listen unquestioningly to the Government issued reports and sources and take their words as the truth.
The real crime was the criminal war actions of the military and in a truly just world it would be the chopper pilots and the animals who killed the innocent civilians sitting in a prison cell, a far greater crime than revealing their deaths but things are not just and why we should all be deploring the current actions taken against the likes of Assange who pour cold water on the wish for the countries that want their wars to be seen as them as the good guys and the other side as the bad guys.
This is really all about the US government hoping that this will set an example to any future whistleblowers who may be tempted to reveal injustices while America go about their wars.

1 comment:

Falling on a bruise said...

Dang, where’s my comments??? 3rd try. I expect the case against him will be he potentially endangered American lives but surely even a half decent lawyer will be able to show the only lives endangered where the Iraqis at the hands of the American troops