Monday 25 July 2022

Church Still Obesessed With Same Sex Marriage

I have never got Religion or the religious at the best of times, to me if you believe in a God then you obviously haven't given it enough thought, but more than anything i don't get the refusal to accept same sex marriage.  
As long as two people love each other, why should it matter if they are of the same sex and if your only objection is the question of sex between same sex couples, then why is what they do in the privacy of their own bedroom any concern of yours? If you were so obsessed about sex between a man and a woman then there is a name for that, you would be a Pervert.
The Church of England Website states that: 'Ministers can not carry out or bless same-sex marriages' and  ahead of their Conference, some Ministers have been calling around delegates to propose that they reaffirm the position that 'marriage is between a man and a woman and legitimising or blessing of same-sex unions is not permissible'.
Many Ministers have refused to agree to the position, saying that they should be able to bless two people joined together in holy marriage, regardless of gender and have been contacting the President of the Conference, the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, to discuss the issue although Welby has already sparked anger among some in the church by banning partners of gay clergy from the event.
Some members of the General Synod have issued a letter saying that opposing same sex marriage will irreparably damage the trust between LGBTQ+ members and the Church of England and they seem to understand that religion is becoming more and more irrelevant to many as Science has done its best to show faith for the nonsense that it is and by keeping with their outdated and primitive views it will only usher in a time when future generations will look back on it as a peculiar curiosity.
As religion has been responsible for more wars and deaths throughout history than any other cause, that would probably not be a bad thing.

1 comment:

Falling on a bruise said...

Yep, just like the way the church kinda invented those other Christian traditions like Christmas and Easter you mean?