Saturday 8 April 2023

Coronavirus Still Circulating

Coronavirus seems so 2020 and you would be forgiven for thinking it is all over but the Governments own website put last months totals as 84,000 new infections, 24,000 hospitlisations and 2,800 deaths which is higher than Influenza (2,286 deaths) which is the category the UK Government have now put Covid into.
As it is a killer, the NHS are offering Covid booster jabs are have began sending out reminders to the first 5 million people via the NHS app although most people seem to have deleted it, considering the panic over which it really isn't.  
The NHS director of vaccinations and screening said: 'As a society, we are learning to live with COVID but, for many, it is still a virus that can cause serious illness and hospitalisation', pointing to the 8,000 people currently in hospital with COVID.
As the pandemic has killed 6,893,190 globally, it is in the top 10 of the worst Pandemics ever and i am as guilty as anyone as having moved on and not wearing a mask around other people or using sanitizer on my hands as much as i should although the 20 second Happy Birthday song in my head while washing my hands seems to have stuck for some reason.
The NHS are warning that the pandemic isn't done and dusted with us just yet and the amount of
infections and deaths in the UK is worrying and there is still the chance that a new version of the virus could evolve and long Covid has proven to have some very negative health outcomes.
It is highly unlikely that the UK Government would enter a lock-down scenario again no matter how bad it gets and even if they did any health messages by the Government would be largely ignored, Boris and his lock-down partying means that that particular ship has well and truly sailed.


Anonymous said...

Just plain old people it killed, nothing fancy.

Falling on a bruise said...

The MPH website lists the 10 worst pandemics as:

The Black Death (1346-1353) 75 – 200 million deaths
Flu Pandemic (1918) 20 -50 million
Plague of Justinian (541-542) 25 million
HIV/AIDS Pandemic (2005- ongoing) 36 million
Covid-19 (2020 - ongoing) 6.8 million
Antonine Plague (165 AD) 5 million
Asian Flu (1956-1958) 2 million
Flu Pandemic (1889-1890) 1 million
Third Cholera Pandemic (1852–1860) 1 million
Flu Pandemic (1968) 1 million

You can add variables to skew the numbers anyway you want but it is death tolls which is used to list the 'worst'.