Monday 17 April 2023

Today Is...Administrative Professionals Day

I have been in and around Offices all my working life and in my last role i was taking young adults and giving them the training and the tools to become successful employee's but something that we don't teach them is how to behave in an office environment once they gain that priceless employment.
It is something that we probably should because some of the tales i hear about how some graduates with little or no work experience conduct themselves in the office is quite eye opening.
These range from listening to music on headphones, turning up inappropriately dressed (low cut tops and mini skirts for girls, ripped jeans and sweary t-shirts for boys) to constantly being on their mobile phones or turning up late and going home early.
Of course we never had formal training in how to behave in the office, we just picked it up as we went along, but while teaching students how to write a paper or the correct way to conduct a scientific experiment, we should throw in training in how to navigate office life rather than just hand them their certificates and then push them out into the World of work and expect them to figure it out.
Rather than moan about the lack of Office etiquette, it can only be helpful if we, teachers and employers, when it comes to dealing with young employees lack of experience and glaring holes in their basic life skills, we can give them some pointers on the workplace norms even if on the first day, during the induction process, it is spelt out to the newcomers what is expected of them to co-exist with managers and colleagues in the shared space where they will be spending at least 8 hours a day in.
If your chosen method is to berate or moan about them, then remember that no newcomer has ever walked away from yet another earful thinking, Wow, it's so nice of that person to tell me yet again that it's inappropriate to nick off home early when the boss isn't around! I had no idea!

1 comment:

Falling on a bruise said...

who (sic) are you to tell these people how to behave in the office? Their manager.