Monday 30 October 2023

Finally Some Answers To The Covid Debacle

The long awaited COVID inquiry is finally getting into gear and we are finding out some very uncomfortable things for the previous and current members of the Government.
Despite being advised by Health Officials, Boris Johnson was sceptical that long COVID was an actual thing and the then Chancellor, Rishi Sunak's 'Eat Out to Help Out Scheme' was described by the Chief Medical Officer as more of a eat out to help out the virus scheme' and the Government's top scientific advisers brandished Mr Sunak 'Dr Death'.
The Government were advised on 9 March 2020 that a lock-down was necessary as the pandemic would far outstrip what the NHS was capable of dealing with and the current measures being considered would not suitably manage the coming pandemic and Boris Johnson asked why the economy should be risked with lock-down for people who will die soon anyway and challenged the need for a lock-down at all.
Health Officials repeated the message on the 13th March and the 14 March however a lock-down was not announced until 23rd March, two weeks later.
With heavy hitters such as Dominic Cummings penciled in to appear this week, and that man knows where all the bodies are buried and kept meticulous notes, by the end of the week we should have a better picture of just how inept our leaders were to allow the nation to end up near the top of the COVID death
league table.

1 comment:

Falling on a bruise said...

so (sic), do you still believe the lock downs were the smart thing to do and that the vaccines saved a significant percentage of lives?

Sure, i know you are not the sharpest knife in the jar but you don't? Your ignorance really should shock me but it strangely doesn't.