Sunday 15 October 2023

Not A Good V Evil Thing

Israel and Palestine has always been a dividing issue, it seems you have to be either pro-Israel or pro-Palestine and in the UK it is not a left v right political thing or even a religious v atheist thing, i know people on both sides of both these divides who are pro or anti one or the other so i am not entirely sure where the line is drawn but i know where my sympathies lie and it is entirely on a human level.
I don't see an innocent child killed by a Hamas bullet fundamentally different from an innocent child killed by an Israeli missile strike on their home, both will have shattered families grieving over them.
Hamas war crimes seem to be used by some as a way to stop condemnation of Israeli war crimes against the Palestinians, you can't condemn one sides war crimes and not the other but you can have sympathy for the victims of both sides and call for the stopping of even more, that's just being human.  
It is fine to denounce yesterdays horror carried out by Hamas and express concern about the thousands of Palestinian civilians who are likely to be killed in tomorrows Israeli led carnage.
It is not good against evil however much the politicians try and paint it this way, it is natural to feel Israel’s fear and rage, horror at Hamas murdering people because it was humans beings the same as us and it will be human beings now being killed in Gaza.
Nobody with any conscience should be supporting Hamas or willing Israel to equal and surpass the death toll in Gaza in some knee jerk, ghastly revenge of mass deaths because neither bring us closer to a future in which the horrors in Israel and Gaza are less likely to recur.
Israeli's are calling it their 9/11 and in many ways it is similar but we can only hope that the response is different to America's which unleashed an orgy of mass killings in Afghanistan and Iraq and did not bring back one of the 3,000 killed that day, just made more families in both far away countries feel the exact
same way the victims families at home did.  
Unfortunately history tells us what Israel will do and also tells us that the Palestine death toll is going to be appalling and at the end of it all, once the smoke has cleared, all we will have left is tens of thousands of weeping families on both sides and if you are fine with that then your moral compass really needs some serious readjusting.


Anonymous said...

You would just walk out of Palestine? This is so stunningly ignorant and shows just how unknowledgable you are on the situation there. Even for you this is breathtakingly poor and I do have a low bar for you.

Falling on a bruise said...

So when you said you would just walk out of Palestine you didn't mean you would walk out of Palestine? I do love it how the most ignorant people are so ignorant of their own ignorance and they hate it when you point out their ignorance to them. It really is a skill.