Monday 9 October 2023

Today Is...Leif Erikson Day

The question must be if he was alive today how would he feel about Christopher Columbus stealing his glory by 'discovering' America 500 years after he did.
The difference was he meant to find it, Colombus sort of bumped into it while he was looking for somewhere else.
Vikings had some pretty weird beliefs that the Earth and everything on it came from the sweat of a giant's armpit and when he turned up in 1002 it must have been pretty obvious why they thought it, phew.
They were lucky to get there at all really, his crew included Asgard the Clumsy who died while eating breakfast in bed and accidentally stabbed himself to death with his own dagger.
It is only recently that Erikson's name has began to be mentioned, not that he would notice, he would be far too busy in Valhalla drinking all day and fighting all night.
There really wasn't much worth seeing or pillaging in the new land, the natives were also a bit weird, so he only hung around a short while and then returned to Greenland.
As it turned out Columbus then came along much later and started slaughtering the inhabitants, and it is the Vikings who had the reputation for that so while his story is an epic saga of Viking warriors sailing their long boats into a terrifying unknown to find a new continent, the story that's get told is of some creepy Italian with a freaky beard who got lost, found a land by accident and then bashed up the locals.
Leif Erikson's film would have been much better so get on it Hollywood, and see if you can get that hunky Alexander Skarsgård to play him and Nicholas Cage would be ideal for that moron Asgard.

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