Saturday 9 March 2024

The Trump Pee Tape

'even (sic) our far left gave on that putin (sic) had a film tripe' so said the Trump supporting commenter on my reference to the Trump 'golden shower' comment on a previous post which surprises me because it is very much still a topic of conversation with Americans i speak to but if you are ignorant in the use of Capital letters then i can't put too much faith in that person being a reliable source of what the American left are discussing.
The allegation from the Chris Steele Dossier was that when he stayed at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Moscow in 2013 for a Miss Universe contest, Trump hired the presidential suite and employed a a number of prostitutes to perform a urination show for him and the incident was reportedly filmed and recorded by the FSB as kompromat.
Trumps defence was that it never happened because he never stayed overnight in Moscow at the time of the Miss Universe contest in 2013 but flight records showed that Trump flew into Moscow on a private jet and stayed overnight in Moscow the night before the pageant, then during the night of the pageant, he left Moscow at 3:58am so his case falls apart at the first hurdle so what else do we know?
A 2020 Senate Intelligence Committee report assessed the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Moscow as a 'high counterintelligence risk environment' with Russian intelligence on it's staff with government surveillance of guests' rooms and prostitutes were a common presence.
Evidence from the surveillance cameras in the lifts had 'gone missing' and in text messages between Trump fixer Michael Cohen and Giorgi Rtskhiladze who had been a contact on the Trump trip, shown to the The Senate Intelligence Committee, after texting that Cohen would have been willing to pay to suppress the information, Rtskhiladze reported that he had 'successfully stopped the flow of tapes from Russia but not sure if there's anything else'.
Rtskhiladze told investigators that these were compromising tapes of Trump and Rtskhiladze's description of the tapes' content tracks with the information included in the Steele dossier.
James Comey, in his book A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership said that Trump was anxious for him to rule out the existence of the tapes 'to convince his wife that it wasn't true' although Comey said that he believed that the incident may have happened.
For his part Steele said: 'As for the likelihood of the claim that prostitutes had urinated in Trump's presence, its 50–50' but he did receive the information from seven separate source including the former head of Russia's foreign intelligence services who said that they had sexual kompromat on Trump going back years and had him: 'Over a barrel'.
Obviously without evidence of the tape itself it is all supposition and not all of the material in the dossier has been proven but then none has been disproven either but it is a smoking gun, or in this case, a very damp mattress.
Now, about your crippling grammar deficiency...


Anonymous said...

Smearing by setting out the findings of a Senate investigation?
Now, about you trying to disguise your poor grip on grammar…

Anonymous said...

Ouch, touched a nerve didn’t i.