Saturday 16 March 2024

The Types Of Personality

Personality is defined as the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character which is why some people are quiet while others are loud and some appear to walk to the beat of their own drum even if it would appear to the rest of us that this particular drummer must have learnt their drumming skills on a trumpet.
While psychiatrist Carl Jung is very much seen in the shadow of the more famous Sigmund Freud, it is his theory that modern Psychiatrists use to determine our personalty types called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator of which is based on where you focus your attention (Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I)) how you take in information (Sensing (S) or INtuition (N)), How you make decisions (Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)) and how you deal with the world (Judging (J) or Perceiving (P))

They then take the 4 indicators and apply them against each person to arrive at the personality type of ISTJ, ISTP, ISFJ, ISFP, INTJ, INTP, INFJ, INFP, ESTJ, ESTP, ESFJ, ESFP, ENTJ, ENTP, ENFJ, and ENFP.

INTJ's are loners, analytical, logical, imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything.  Famous INTJ's are Bill Gates, Andy Warhol, Jane Austin, Stephen Hawkings, Isaac Newton, Russel Crowe.
INTP's are creative, understanding, felxible, innovative and deep thinkers. Famous INTP's are Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Elon Musk, Rene Descartes, Charles Darwin, Marie Curie.

ENTJ's are bold, imaginative and strong-willed, rational and logical who enjoy being in charge and set high expectations for themselves and others. Famous ENTJ's are Margaret Thatcher, Pablo Picasso, Steve Jobs, George Clooney, Jim Carrey, Napoleon Bonaparte.
ENTP's are smart, curious, logical, rational, easily bored, spontaneous. Famous ENTP's are
Muhammad Ali, Tom Hanks, Catherine The Great, Niccolo Machiavelli, Leonardo Da Vinci.

INFJ's are empathetic, compassionate, reserved, cooperative and spend time examining their own thoughts and feelings. Famous INFJ's are Amy Winehouse, Kate Winslet, Morgan Freeman, Al Pacino, Martin Luther King, Lady Gaga, Nelson Mandela, Adolf Hitler.
INFP's are reserved, poetic, kind, introverted, loners, emotional and imaginative. Famous INFP's are
Audrey Hepburn, Edgar Allan Poe, Kurt Cobain, William Shakespeare, Johnny Depp, John Lennon.

ENFJ's are imaginative, charismatic, empathetic, forward looking, encouraging and understanding. Famous ENFJ's are Beyonce, Barack Obama, Reese Wetherspoon, Bono, Meghan Markle.
ENFP's are enthusiastic, creative, sociable, independent, perceptive, thoughtful, expressive and affectionate. Famous ENFP's are Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Robin Williams, Will Smith, Jennifer Anniston, Sandra Bullock.

ISTJs are quiet, practical, mystical, serious, reliable, idelaistic, inspiring, proper, formal and are quiet and usually calm and take the logical approach towards their goals and projects. Famous ISTJ's are
Mark Zuckerberg, Alfred Hitchcock, George Washington, Robert De Nero, Sean Connery.
ISFJ's are generous, dedicated, loving, warm and kind-hearted, considerate and nurturing. Famous ISFJ's are Agatha Christie, Kate Middleton, Roasa Parks, Aretha Franklin, Halle Berry, Prince Charles.

ESTJ's are helpful, dependable, organised, practical, stable and have a strong feeling of right and wrong. Famous ESTJ's are Michelle Obama, Corteney Cox, Hillary Clinton, Saddam Hussein, Uma Thurman.
ESFJ's are extroverted and caring, sociable who like structure and stability and are easily liked and people easily warm to them. Famous ESFJ's are Joe Biden, Dolly Parton, Hugh Jackman, Ariane Grande, Jennifer Lopez, Mariah Carey.

ISTP's are bold, practical, mysterious, rational, logical, spontaneous, technical and unpredictable. Famous ISTP's are Scarlett Johansson, Tom Cruise, Eminem, Bruce Lee, Amelia Earhart, Venus Williams, James Dean.
ISFP's are caring, flexible, charming, warm and friendly, spontaneous, fun and keen to explore new things and discover new experiences. Famous ISFP's are Clint Eastwood, Cher, Barbra Streisand, David Beckham, Mozart.

ESTP's are spontaneous, smart, energetic, perceptive adventurist, observant, disciplined and risk-takers and action-oriented.  Famous ESTP's are Oscar Wilde, Ryan Gosling, Prince, Michael Jackson, Brad Pitt, Jimi Hendrix, Britney Spears.
ESFP's are entertainers who enjoy being in the spotlight and have strong interpersonal skills are are spontaneous, artistic, enthusiastic. Famous ESFP's are Oprah Winfrey, Elizabeth Taylor, Mother Teresa, Elton John, Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe.

Obviously, officially any psychiatrist will tell you that there is no best type and each type has their own strengths and weaknesses so let's change the question and ask the psychiatrist what personalty type they would favour if they were looking for a partner, then we get the unofficial answer that they would look for an ISFP, INFP or INFJ personality and avoid the ESFJ, ESTP, ESTJ and ENTP types.

You can find out which esteemed famous people your personalty matches with the Personalty Test here. 

I am far too modest to let on which personalty type the test advised i am (It's Not For Publishing) but i am very happy to be associated personalty wise with such famous authors and a couple of certain male singers.


Anonymous said...

What I reported is the information which came with our personality tests so if you got a beef with it you will have to take it up with the people who administer it.

Falling on a bruise said...

'and (sic) most of the people that administer MB are mediocre at what they do.'

Didn't you just say 'i (sic) was trained to administer MB in 1993, and administered it to several thousand people'.

Yep, you said it.

Anonymous said...

I have a piece of paper saying I am reserved, poetic, kind, introverted, loners, emotional and imaginative like Shakespeare, Poe and Kurt Cobain so I’m going with that.