Monday 14 July 2014

Ceasefire Deal Close In Gaza

After 7 days of bombardment and 173 Palestine deaths, 77% of which where civilians according to the UN, an Egyptian ceasefire deal is being considered by both sides from 7am tomorrow before participating in talks within two days in Cairo.
Daniel Levy, the Middle East director of the European Council for Foreign Relations got it absolutely spot on when he explained that if the ceasefire is accepted, the situation would return to what is known as quiet which means that: 'Israel returns to normality but Gaza returns to being under siege. The fundamentals don't change' and that is the nail hit right on the head.
Until Israel stops oppressing, killing and stealing the ever shrinking amount of land that the Palestinians have, the same scenario will play out time and time again which of course is fine by Israel and that is where the pressure needs to be applied.
It is no use hanging conditions on Palestine, they are the victims with next to nothing, it is Israel that needs to be pressured but all the time they are subsidised by America to the tune of $3 billion a year, it can afford to keep things as they are and ruin peace deals and build new settlements.
If America attaches further funding of the regime in Israel to the successful implementation of peace deals instead of backing it regardless of how it acts, we may see some movement to allow the Palestinians some long overdue quiet of it's own from it's murderous neighbour.
Maybe Israel may also gain a few more friends around the World because at the moment it has very few.


Lucy said...

I did hear a brilliant idea once, not sure who from. Get one side to divide it in half and let the other side pick what half they want.

Lucy said...

Maybe it was you who said. Get yourself to the UN!