Saturday 9 August 2014

Aug 9 1815 - Napoleon Exiled To St Helena

A post taking real life incidents from this day in history and my view of them as if they were happening today and what my honest view would have been then on that day ignoring hindsight or knowledge of how it ended.

To make a war last 100 years you must really dislike your enemy and when it comes to the French and the Brits, we really don't get along.
Ever since the stinky cheese eaters discovered boats, they have been bothering us Brits with their pantaloons and stupid frilly shirt cuffs but no more because we have not only captured their main man and chief stuipid hat wearer, but we are sending him off to St Helena where he can only breath his garlic smelling breath over turtles and the occasional fish.
After ravaging most of Europe, Napoleon is now aboard The Northumberland and on his way to the Atlantic Island to spend the rest of his days entertaining the 3 natives with tales of how his letter to his brother regarding his wifes affair was intercepted by the British and published in all the newspapers with much ridicule. 
A sad sight as the once gallant and proud leader left Britain on his long journey, half the man that he once was which is very impressive considering he was only half the size of a man in the first place.
Au Revoir Napoleon.

1 comment:

Chris said...

'half the man that he once was which is very impressive considering he was only half the size of a man in the first place.'

Brilliant, a classic Lucy.