Monday 25 August 2014

God Isn't Dead But He Looks Poorly

Since i have got back religion has been high on the agenda, the only country created for a religion has spent the last six weeks pulverising the smaller, weaker neighbour that it has occupied for over 60 years and in Iraq, ISIS has been beheading journalists and killing anyone who refuses to convert to their religion.
That anyone can act with such horror and barbarity towards other humans is bad enough, but to do it when you claim to be peaceful and loving makes it even worse or so it should but religion has been behind the vast majority of wars and conflicts since man first came down from the trees.
You would hope that we would have evolved out of believing in a man in the sky who runs the show but although it seems we are not all yet ready to grasp the idea that God is a man made object and as real as the tooth fairy, it does seem we are moving in the right direction to banish religion to the  rubbish bin of history.  
I am glad to see that in Britain religion is being rapidly shifted down the agenda, in the most recent census an all time high of 25% described themselves as having no religion which doesn't take into consideration people like me who ticked the Church of England box but never went to a church unless someone got married and rejected it at the same time as Santa Claus.      
A decent barometer of the zeitgeist is always our friends the advertisers as these people have a multi-million pound industry that says that they know what sells and where to sell it and they know that religion doesn't sell.
Under Ofcom, the broadcast regulator, the main TV channel for advertisers, ITV, was obliged to provide 104 hours of religious programming a week across it's channels but when the rules changed in 2012 and ITV was under no such obligation, it dropped it's religious output to 2 hours.
Britain’s largest commercial broadcaster believes there is no money in religion, experience told it that selling spots between the God shows was tough and not a money spinner and have reacted accordingly by dropping religion apart from the 120 minutes across its network of channels that it deems worthy.
God may not be dead just yet but he is looking very poorly in the UK and the quicker the rest catch up with us the quicker we may see less people being chased up a mountain to die because they believe in a different man in the clouds to the ones with the more powerful weapons.

1 comment:

Lucy said...

Your debating skills have taken a bit of a slip i notice.