Monday 28 December 2015

Teaching Religion In Schools

Schools must teach that Britain is a Christian country the Education Secretary, Nicky Morgan, has said.
Under the new Department for Education guidelines, non-faith schools have to reflect the fact that British religious traditions 'are in the main Christian' while taking into account teaching about other religions.
She has a point, why teach our children useful things like like the Big Bang and all that science stuff when we can teach them that the earth, the universe and everything in it was made by a big invisible man in the sky, and we are descended from a man made of dirt and a woman who was created out of that man's rib and was duped by a talking snake and we have to go to church and beg forgiveness from the cloud man. 
A quick glance around the World and what is being done in the name of religion by the likes of ISIS and we should be pushing for less religion and not more of the nonsense whatever the flavour.


Falling on a bruise said...

Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin and Lenin didn't kill people or start wars for reasons of atheism though, how many wars have been fought because one side believed in a different god and that's where religion is dangerous and why it should be reduced and not increased.

Falling on a bruise said...

The reason matters when the post is about teaching of religion.