Saturday 19 December 2015

Websters Dictionary Most Searched Word 2015

American dictionary publisher have announced the most looked up word on their website in 2015 and after having been near the top of the list for several years, 'Socialism' has made it to the top.
The simple Webster Definition is: 'a way of organising a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies'.
The surge in all things Socialism in America is attributed to US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who describes himself as 'democratic socialist'. 
For a long time there seemed to be confusion between Communism and Socialism in America, the two being mistakenly interchangable (sometimes not so mistakenly by right wing propaganda) but as the American youth of today did not grow up in the shadow of the Cold War, the vilification of socialist ideas by the right wing does not resonate anymore and especially in the face of the devastation bought by Capitalism all around them.
Maybe in the home of Capitalism people are hungry for political alternatives that will serve their interests for a change instead of the interests of the few at the top of the pile and Socialism are where the eyes are turning.
Bernie Sanders being one of the main contenders for the Democratic nomination shows that things could be on the change and people are curious about what Socialism is and what it means.
After decades of the constant failing of Capitalism, people are searching for alternatives to the dead-end of a system where someone always has to have the short end of the stick.
Socialism is where we are all equal members of our society run by an elected government to organise that society for the maximum benefit of all its members and only the most swivel eyed right winger or those profiting from Capitalism and wish to keep the status quo which seems them at the top and the vast majority at the bottom could have an argument against that.


Falling on a bruise said...

Unlike the system that you subscribe to which just brings down the 99%, guaranteed misery.

Falling on a bruise said...

Good, so you can pay up the $5 trillion you owe to other countries then.